AIC Logo


AIC Offices
1945 West Gate Dr.
Columbia, IL 62236
AIC Shop
1003 W. Broadway

Steeleville, IL 62288

Advanced Industrial Controls (AIC) is a full service electrical controls and automation system integrator. AIC was established in 2006 in Waterloo, IL. by Jason Tretter. Prior to the formation of AIC, Jason worked for over 10 years as a field service engineer in the electrical controls and service industry. In 2006 Jason left his position with an electrical distributor in order to pursue his passion for helping customers gain a competitive advantage by implementing cutting edge control and automation upgrade projects.

Jason started AIC in his garage, with one truck, a great drive/servo product line and a mission to provide the highest level of customer service in the industry.

Today AIC is a major full service integrator of electrical controls and automation systems. We design, assemble, program, test, install and start-up a wide array of systems ranging from simple systems with just one motor drive to complex systems with full automation requirements including: Drives/Servo/Motion Control, PLC’s, HMI’s, Robotics’, SCADA, Networking, Control & Instrumentation, MCC & Power Distribution, Vision/Barcode/RFID as well as complete control panel fabrication.

AIC operates a fleet of trucks all manned by well-trained service engineers and stocked with the latest products and technology. By the way, Jason still works in the field designing and supporting AIC’s Integrated Control Systems.

Our client list includes many of the most well known and admired companies in their industries. These include manufacturers in Food & Beverage, Metals & Mining, Plastics, Tire & Rubber, Packaging, Printing and Converting industries.

AIC has offices and/or manufacturing facilities in Steeleville, IL., Columbia, IL. and St. Louis, MO. Please give us a call to learn how we can help you!